This new series of danced lectures feeds into and supplements the work we do on choreographic culture that already features prominently at the Legs festival.

A  danced lecture is to be understood here as a lecture on dance and/or as a dance performing a text or idea.

The propositions bring together choreographers, artists and thinkers who have a desire to educate and break down barriers between genres in order to reflect on dance more profoundly or use dance as a starting point. The series consists of works commissioned by Charleroi danse from artists as well as existing pieces.

life is not useful
15+16 Nov.
Bruno Freire

La vie n’est pas utile (ou c’est comme ça)


30 Nov.
Jozef Wouters

Spaces for the night


ZOO in Progress
25 Jan.
Thomas Hauert

ZOO in Progress


Nach - nulle part
11 Apr.

Nulle part est un endroit
