Pièce pour 10 interprètes

Following Suave and Cria, this is Alice Ripoll’s third creation with the Suave dance company. Since 2014, the group has brought together young dancers from outlying areas of Rio de Janeiro who perform popular urban dances such as the passinho, which is derived from funk and features ultra quick leg movements. These moves, which are also influenced by Afro House and Brega Funk, are like a vital energy here, the driving force for a ritual coming together. Zona Franca questions the ways in which a community can continue to progress and forge connections when its social context is damaged. In this shared living area, coloured balloons indicate that a party has taken place or is about to happen; joys and challenges are found side by side. The quality of human relationships that are forged here through dance become a powerful new way of taking action, a lifeblood revitalising the principle of a worthwhile life.


Création 2023 / Création : Alice Ripoll / Interprètes: Gabriel Tiobil, GB Dançarino Brabo, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Maylla Eassy, Petersonsidy, Romulo Galvão, Tamires Costa, Thamires Candida, Vinicius Rodrigues / Assistance à la création : Alan Ferreira, Thais Peixoto / Création lumière : Tomás Ribas, Diana Joels / Scénographie et costumes : Raphael Elias / Assistant costume : Gabriel Alves / Création sonore : Alice Ripoll, Alan Ferreira / Répétiteur et technicien son : Renato Linhares / Directrice de production : Natasha Corbelino / Production exécutive : Milena Monteiro / Assistantes de production: Isabela Peixoto, Thais Peixoto / Diffusion : ART HAPPENS

Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Festival de Marseille, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Romaeuropa Festival, TANDEM Scène nationale, tanzhaus nrw, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Julidans, Les Mécènes DanseAujourd’hui

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