Pièce pour 10 danseur·euse·s

She delights in looming out of the dark density of the stage, as if it were populated by ghosts and strange creatures. A long-time performer in pieces by Nacera Belaza, Dalila explores the paths marked out with her sister, but questions traditional dances and the notion of ritual. In Rive, the French choreographer of Algerian descent continues the research she started in Au cœur, when she invited the Lous Castelous de Senergues on stage, a traditional dance group from northern Aveyron, following it up with Figures, in which she attempted to imagine a fictional folk dance as a solo. Taking the three-part rhythm of the pas de bourrée as her starting point, she continues her quest for abstraction in a chanted and telluric dance alongside nine other performers. A ceremony in which different types of otherness encounter one other and rise together.


Création 2023 / Direction artistique et chorégraphie : Dalila Belaza / Interprétation : Dalila Belaza, Jamil Attar, Louis Chevalier, Elsa Dumontel, Léa Férec-Pourias, Andrès Garcia Martinez, Dovydas Strimaitis / Régisseuse lumière : Sabine Charreire / Régisseur son : Solal Mazeran

Production : hiya compagnie - association Jour / Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Montpellier Danse, Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, CCN2 Grenoble, Cndc-Angers, CCN Ballet national de Marseille / Soutien : DRAC Ile-de-France – aide à la création, Caisse des Dépôts – mécénat / Studio : CN D Centre national de la danse, La Briqueterie CDCN Val-de-Marne, CCN Ballet national de Marseille