Following December’s outing to Montpellier at the invitation of Christian Rizzo’s Choreographic Centre, in February the Fancy Legs cycle will be taking part in the first edition of It Takes a City, Brussel’s new bi-community cross-disciplinary festival.

In March, for the first time Fancy Legs is coming to Charleroi where our Les Écuries venue will host shows from Mercedes Dassy and Hendrickx Ntela, in a meeting of dance-lovers and dancers on the Charleroi scene.

A final Fancy Legs will bring the season to a fabulous close.

Full details of our programme will be online soon.


Ce projet est une collaboration Charleroi danse, Freestyle Lab et Milø Slayers.

" Un évènement organisé dans le cadre de Femmes de Mars - édition 2024. Retrouvez tout le programme sur"